To quote the developers on embedded timelines:
Embeddable timelines make it easy to syndicate any public Twitter timeline to your website with one line of code.
Easy? One line of code? Give it to me!
After including it to a site… nothing happened. Why? The answer is simple…
In fact so simple that it took me some time to find out. After all, I have my fancy developer tools in Chrome and Firefox so I should see very quickly what happens.
First of all: The API is requested. But no response. No response at all. Requesting the content directly in the browser is working. Adding the line in the smallest HTML page possible: not working. Hm…
Because I used two different browsers the obvious solution was not immediately clear to me: The Ghostery extension I use in both!
I still like it, it just did what it was supposed to do…
I had the same problems. But for me it was the „Ghostery“ AND „DoNotTrackMe“ Extension.
Another quick fix is starting an Incognito tab in Chrome, as all (or most) plugins are then by default disabled as a security measure.